Vermont Moose Hunting Permits for Veterans Are Drawn

MONTPELIER, Vt. -- The five winners of Vermont 2018 moose hunting permits for resident military veterans were determined in a randomized computer lottery drawing August 1 at the Fish & Wildlife office in Montpelier.  The five permit winners were among 100 military veteran applicants who applied at no cost by a July 6 deadline.  The winners’ names are posted on Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s website (

No regular public lottery was held because only thirteen moose hunting permits were authorized this year.  If any public lottery permits had been offered, all those with bonus points from past seasons would have had to apply or lose those points, as required by statute.  By law, five permits were available to Vermont resident military veterans and up to three permits are available for “Special Opportunity” recipients with life-threatening illnesses.  Also required by law, the remaining five permits will be auctioned with proceeds going to Fish & Wildlife conservation education programs.     

Veteran applicants who did not receive a permit were awarded a veteran bonus point to improve their chances in any future moose permit lotteries.  
Non-veteran applicants who have moose hunting bonus points from previous years will have those points “frozen” so that they may be used in future years. 

The permits may be used to take bull moose during Vermont’s October 20-25 regular moose season.  Hunting will only be allowed in Wildlife Management Units E1 and E2 in the northeastern corner of the state where Fish & Wildlife recommends the moose population be maintained at its current level to reduce the effects of winter ticks. 

As required by law, an auction for five moose hunting permits is open until August 14.  Sealed bids must be received by Vermont Fish & Wildlife by 4:30 p.m. that day.  Contact the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to receive a moose permit bid kit.  Telephone 802-828-1190 or email (

For Immediate Release:  August 1, 2018
Media Contact:  Mark Scott, 802-777-4217; Louis Porter 802-828-828-1454

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