Moose Hunt Auction Nets $43,072 for Wildlife Conservation Education
Vt. -- Vermont’s annual auction of five moose hunting permits was held today when
sealed bids were opened and the permit winners were notified. The bids
totaled $43,702.83 which will help fund Fish & Wildlife Department
educational programs, such as the Green Mountain Conservation Camps for
Auction winners will hunt in
Wildlife Management Units E1 or E2 in the northeast corner of the state during
the October 1-7 archery season, or in the October 20-25 regular season.
Permits are for bulls-only.
regular public moose permit lottery was held because only thirteen moose
hunting permits were authorized this year. If any public lottery permits
had been offered, all those with bonus points from past seasons would have had
to apply or lose those points, as required by statute. By law, in
addition to the five permits in the auction, five permits were awarded to
Vermont resident military veterans in a lottery and up to three permits are
available for “Special Opportunity” recipients with life-threatening
Immediate Release: August 15, 2018
Contact: Mark Scott 802-777-4217