Governor Scott Appoints Three New Fish & Wildlife Board Members

MONTPELIER, Vt – Governor Phil Scott has appointed three new members to represent Addison, Essex, and Grand Isle counties on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board. The new members are Wendy Butler from Addison County, Mike Kolsun from Essex County, and Bryan McCarthy from Grand Isle County. 

The fourteen-member Fish and Wildlife Board is a group of Vermont citizens that enact fish and wildlife regulations for hunting, fishing, and trapping. Members serve six-year terms.

“The Fish and Wildlife Board members bring a strong level of personal experience to the job of setting Vermont’s hunting, fishing, and trapping regulations,” said Gov. Scott. “Volunteer board members give a great deal of their time and energy to the task, so I’m grateful to them for stepping up to serve the people of Vermont.” 

Wendy Butler lives in New Haven. A certified volunteer hunter education instructor since 2007, Butler enjoys guiding new hunters, many of whom have returned with their first deer, turkey, or duck. She has instructed women in outdoor skills at ‘Becoming an Outdoor Woman’ Camp and at Doe Camp. Butler works to improve wildlife habitat on her family’s 250-acre property, releasing apple trees, creating brush piles, and working with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to improve habitat for golden-winged warblers. 

Mike Kolsun is a resident of Brighton. A self-proclaimed “late-onset hunter,” Kolsun took up hunting in his early twenties, learning about safety, ethics and respect for the sport through good friends and mentors. Kolsun was inspired by these mentors to give back and has been a hunter education instructor for 30 years, in addition to being a certified bow hunter and trapper education instructor. He also instructs for the Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow program and helped develop Vermont’s “Let’s Go Fishing” program.

Bryan McCarthy lives in North Hero. A trustee of The Nature Conservancy of Vermont for the past eight years, McCarthy serves as the organization’s ‘sportsman outreach’ representative; he has previously chaired the conservation committee. McCarthy has a strong appreciation for wildlife management science and habitat conservation, having volunteered with Lake Champlain International and as a member of the Lake Champlain Walleye Association, Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, Ruffed Grouse Society, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Vermont Traditions Coalition.

“We’re glad to welcome Wendy, Mike, and Bryan to the board,” said Kevin Lawrence, Fish and Wildlife Board chair. “Board members are charged with the complex task of setting fishing, hunting, and trapping regulations after evaluating the scientific recommendations and legal advice from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, along with the input from the state’s hunters, anglers, trappers and wildlife watchers. I look forward to the fresh perspective these new members will bring to our discussions.”  
For Immediate Release:  July 13, 2018
Media Contacts:  Commissioner Louis Porter 802-828-1000


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