Fishing & Fish Processing Seminars May 23-24 & 30

Learning how to properly prepare the fish you catch for the table is easiest when you can watch someone else do it well.  Two upcoming seminars presented by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department are designed to show how it’s done.
May 23-24: The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is presenting a two-day “Introduction to Fishing and Fish Processing” seminar at the Intervale Center, 180 Intervale Road, Burlington, VT, 05401. 

Fishing basics will be taught Wednesday, May 23 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.  Fishing regulations, knot tying, aquatic ecology, and casting will be covered, and participants will have the opportunity to fish in the nearby Winooski River. 

The next day, Thursday, May 24, participants will learn how to clean, fillet and cook fresh Vermont fish.  Participants are expected to attend both sessions.

May 30: On Wednesday, May 30 Fish & Wildlife will hold a one-day fish processing seminar from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum 4472 Basin Harbor Rd, Vergennes, VT 05491.  Participants will learn how to clean, fillet and cook fresh Vermont fish during the seminar. 

Registration is required for both courses by emailing or calling 802-265–2279.

For Immediate Release:  April 26, 2018
Media Contact:  Corey Hart 802-505-5562; Alison Thomas 802-371-9975

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