
To protect and conserve our fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the people of Vermont.
The department is currently staffed by about 125 individuals, with most working out of seven offices and five fish culture facilities. The job duties of these men and women are diverse and include such things as collecting fish and wildlife population data, protecting important wildlife habitat, raising fish, enforcing laws, developing educational materials and providing customer service through the mail and over the phone. The department owns 156 fishing access areas and 85 wildlife management areas totaling more than 133,000 acres and two youth conservation camps. The department's annual budget totals approximately $15 million dollars which is primarily funded by user-based fees such as license and excise taxes on gasoline and on hunting and fishing equipment.
General Information
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department protects the state's fish and wildlife resources by protecting habitat, implementing species management plans, informing and educating the public, and performing basic research. The Fish and Wildlife Department central office staff oversees daily administrative activities, including fiscal control, hunting, fishing and trapping license distribution, access development, public affairs, and federal aid.

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